Welcome to the Geneva Glen Barn!
Here, you can meet the horses and learn about our Barn program.
For more information or to ask a question, please email Emily Jacobs, GG Equine Director.
Annie Oakley

Hi there, campers! I'm Annie Oakley, one of the youngest horses at Geneva Glen, and my mom is the lovely Polly. I'm still in training, learning all the horse-y things a young filly like me needs to know. I'm super excited to meet all of you soon and share some fun adventures together!
In Training
- Age: 4
- Year at GG: 4
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Sorrel
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m one of the G/ barn’s go-to leaders because I’ve proved myself to be level-headed and brave. I also know my way around camp’s trails super well. I used to spin around and rush through gates a lot when I was younger, so even though my real name is Li’l Guy, the nickname “Banshee” stuck! You'll always see me in the corral with the other “oldies” because, like them, I eat a delicious mash of soaked alfalfa, beet pulp, senior feed, and corn.
Camper Horse Lead Horse
- Age: 30
- Year at GG: 21
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Sorrel
- Breed: Grade Arabian

I have quite the shoes to fill. I’m named after Dr. Barry Rumack, a GG Camp Family member and past Board President. You can call me Barry for short. I was born brown but have “greyed out” as I’ve aged, so if you haven’t seen me since I was a baby, you might not recognize me now! I work hard and I’m big and strong, so you’ll see me out on the trail a lot. I make funny noises when I walk... it kind of sounds like I’m snoring even though I’m wide awake!
Experienced Wrangler Horse
- Age: 10
- Year at GG: 10
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Quarter Horse

If you spot me walking by, you’ll notice that I have three brands instead of just one. That’s because I had other jobs before I worked here at GG. I was a ranch horse! I grew up in the mountains and moved cows from pasture to pasture while doing a bunch of other cowboy work. I like to walk fast, so only the wranglers ride me. I love to lead, and my fast pace makes sure we get back to the barn on time for lunch! My BFF is Earl, and we are like the kings of the G/ herd. Sometimes we have disagreements and grow apart. But, we always miss each other! So, we talk it out, apologize, and forgive each other. Then, I get back to my favorite place: by Earl’s side.
Counselor Horse Boss Gelding Lead Horse
- Age: 22
- Year at GG: 15
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Quarter Horse
Calamity Jane

Hey there, campers! I'm Calamity Jane, another one of Poppy's foals galloping around Geneva Glen. I'm currently in training, picking up all the neat tricks of being a great camp horse. I just can't wait to meet all of you and have loads of fun together!
In Training
- Age: 4
- Year at GG: 4
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Brown
- Breed: Quarter Horse

Mooo! Oops, I mean neiiggghhh. Sometimes I forget whether I’m a cow or a horse, and that’s why some people call me Cow, even though my real name is Comanche. I love making new friends, so if you’re looking for someone to hang out with, I’m your horse!
Camper Horse Polocrosse Horse
- Age: 27
- Year at GG: 10
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Black / Tobiano
- Breed: Paint

I have a small stature, a soothing presence, and also plenty of grit. I'm the little horse that could! I'm a careful listener and I don’t get concerned about much. I’m a lot like the horse version of everyone’s favorite kindergarten teacher: patient and kind. I enjoy having my nose and cheeks scratched and having my beautiful feathering groomed. Feathering is the long and shaggy hair on the bottom of my legs that hangs down around my feet. When I'm not on a trail ride, you can find me right next to Roman. He makes sure that nobody picks on me, and we love to share a pile of hay together.
Camper Horse
- Age: 22
- Year at GG: 2
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Grade Quarter Horse

I’m a wiggly guy who always needs something to do to keep me occupied. I am great to ride but I definitely want to keep the ball rolling... standing still isn’t my strong suit. I’m a loyal friend to Monk and will squeal a bunch if you separate us. I’m a beautiful color. Depending on the light when you look at me, I look shiny brown or silver grey or even black. I’m called a Grullo or a Dun horse because of my cool coloring and my dorsal stripe; that’s the stripe right down the middle of my back.
Senior Camper Horse
- Age: 26
- Year at GG: 4
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Dun
- Breed: Grade Quarter Horse

Hi, I’m Earl, Digger’s older brother. I’m in charge of the G/ herd, in partnership with my buddy Boomer. When we go to get some hay, the other horses give us space to eat because we’re the bosses. I’m an excellent lead horse, and I give myself pats on the back for how far I’ve come because was a little wild when I was young. I’m a dependable camper horse but I take lots of days off to make sure my feet don’t get sore. If you come say hi, you might notice that my nose smells like maple syrup!
Wrangler Horse
- Age: 20
- Year at GG: 14
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Quarter Horse

Oh hi there! My name is Hanger, sometimes known as Sammy Hanger. I got that name because I got wrapped up in a fence when I was a baby and they found me hanging upside down! Fortunately, I was okay. I'm in training and learning how to be a trail horse, but I should be at camp soon!
In Training
- Age: 8
- Year at GG: 8
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Sorrel
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m not really scared of anything because I feel so safe at GG. I’ve been here since I was a baby, so I know this place like the back of my hoof! I’m such a great horse for campers to ride. Kizzi and Boomer are my best friends here, and Kizzi is actually my sister! We are all the first horses to run over from the pasture in the morning to get our breakfast. I love grain, and getting saddled. Every morning when the wranglers are putting my saddle on, I stretch my front legs. They call is horsey yoga.
Camper Horse
- Age: 17
- Year at GG: 17
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Buckskin
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m one of the gentlest horses here. When I’m not working down at the arena (I love helping kids learn to ride), I’m in the corral hanging out with the other “oldies.” We all enjoy a quiet evening with a bucket of horse mash. Isn’t it cool that there is a street just around the corner from camp that’s named Kiowa, too? My old owner was friends with GG Alum Missy Beaman Fagerstrom and arranged for me to come to camp. I’m so glad she did because I love campers and campers love me!
Camper Horse
- Age: 32
- Year at GG: 12
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Brown
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m a GG horse through and through. I love spending time with my favorite siblings, Roxi and Karma. I was born in 2007, and my dad is Micro Million Dollar. That makes me a Microbaby! I work really hard because I love my job and I’m so dang good at it. I am definitely a barn favorite and go on as many trail rides as I can. If you’re having trouble telling me apart from my sister Roxi, remember that I have a circular brown spot on the left side of my butt!
Camper Horse
- Age: 17
- Year at GG: 17
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Palomino
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m named after a country song, “Good Lord Lorrie.” I listen carefully to my rider and am learning all the trails on this giant and cool property. I'm pretty new here! The shelter where I lived before GG thinks that I am a retired barrel racer. Pretty western, huh? When I was first hauled to camp, I was alone in the trailer. I made a huge racket because I was really upset! The second time I went in the trailer, I was surrounded by horse friends. The wranglers were ready for the racket again, but I was quiet as a mouse. It turns out that I just need a little moral support. Don’t we all?
New to the Herd!
- Age: 8
- Year at GG: 1
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Black
- Breed: Grace Quarter Horse

I’m a Paint horse. That’s the official name for my coloring! My coat looks like somebody painted brown spots on a white horse, but I was definitely born this way. I was also born with one blue eye and one brown, which I like to think of as striking. I am really quiet, so I’m nice to ride. I am pretty shy, so I have to overcome some fear when you ask me to walk between two “popular” horses on a ride. The wranglers saw that obstacle and turned it into a strength! It turns out that I love to lead. At the front of the trail ride, I can see the potential of the open trail in front of me and I forget about any silly social hierarchies.
Wrangler Horse Lead Horse
- Age: 18
- Year at GG: 5
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Pinto
- Breed: Grace Quarter Horse

I’m named after Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. It makes sense because I’m a strong mare (that’s what you call a female horse). I’m in training right now with the wranglers because I’m still young, but I make great progress every time I work. I just recently got comfortable with jackets flapping over my head and with ropes tangling around my feet. The feet one was tough for me...it tickled! I’m told that I am a “beautiful mover” which I guess means that I’m not going to be a bouncy ride for you kids at all. I can’t wait to be a camper horse!
Head Wrangler Horse
- Age: 8
- Year at GG: 8
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Buckskin
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m a creamy paint horse, just like Lucy. You can tell us apart, though, because both my eyes are brown! I go on every trail ride I can. I am in good shape, I’ve got strong feet, and I help campers feel safe and comfortable while riding. The wranglers definitely rely on me because I do a good job for the money...I mean grain. Or hay! I also love hay. All my other friends and I get hay from the mangers at the barn and grain in a bucket three times per day. Then, when the work day is over, we get to munch on hay all night in the pasture across the road.
Camper Horse
- Age: 17
- Year at GG: 8
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Pinto
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m Monk, and I am basically Donkey’s emotional support buddy. If I have to go to work and he gets left in our paddock, he gets really stressed! So, we stay together almost all the time. I like working in the arena the most, where kids learn to ride by playing fun games. I think that the obstacle courses down there are awesome. I am so friendly that if another horse shows up, I offer them my food. If enough of the herd asks for my meal, sometimes I miss eating all together. For that reason, I don’t go over to the pasture at night anymore. I live with my other buddies in the paddock by the gate to camp, where we have extra hay and way less social pressure.
Senior Camper Horse
- Age: 27
- Year at GG: 6
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Quarter Horse

It’s pretty likely that I got a lot of treats where I lived before I came to GG. The wranglers can tell because I will dig in your pockets with my muzzle to look for them. I’m in training to be a camper horse one day. I’m working on learning not to toss my head around in the air and prance about. It’s tough for me because I’m an Arabian horse –that's my breed— and we are born with our heads held high already! I am obsessed with people and will come to see you right away if you come near me. I might even prefer people to horses. Maybe that’s because of all the treats...
Head Wrangler Horse
- Age: 18
- Year at GG: 5
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Buckskin
- Breed: Arabian

My name is Polly and I'm one of GG's momma horses. Any nervous parent sending their kid to camp for the first time should look to me as an example. I love my kids, Barry Rumack and Luna, but at GG, I let them run around and get all sorts of dirty! I make them come inside the barn during lightning storms but besides that, I'm NOT a helicopter parent. I’m not living at camp right now, but when I’m back, you should come see the cute black points at the tops of my ears! I’ve got those because I’m a Dun horse, like Donkey and Monty. We’re called Duns because of the markings that we have: our ear points are black, we have black stripes on our elbows above our black legs, and we have black stripes right down our spines.
Brood Mare
- Age: 18
- Year at GG: 12
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Dun
- Breed: Quarter Horse

My name is Poppy, like the orange flower. I spend all my time with my best friend and co-mama, Polly. I’ve had three beautiful babies: Ronald Weasley, Sammy Hanger, and Calamity Jane. All my babies are Chestnut (red) horses and I’m a Bay. That’s what you call a horse with brown fur and black mane. You’d expect all my babies to be the same color as me, but it turns out that it’s always a surprise what color we’ll be when we’re born.
Brood Mare
- Age: 17
- Year at GG: 12
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Grade Quarter Horse

I’m Raja, and my name is the Hindi word for king. That makes sense, because I am in charge around here. I live with the other oldies who eat mash because our teeth aren’t good for eating hay anymore. They listen to everything I say and they stay out of my way. I might be pushy with other horses, but I’m peaceful as a lamb with people. I am a dream to ride, and I love to cuddle and to have my forehead scratched. I get the best and fluffiest winter coat. When they take a break from chores on a cold day, the wranglers sometimes dig their fingers under my fur to warm their hands.
Senior Camper Horse
- Age: 29
- Year at GG: 10
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Grade Arabian

I am the most comfortable ride! I go on a ton of trail rides and help a lot of campers see the property. I have brown fur and black mane and tail (I’m a Bay horse) and I have an incredibly luxurious forelock. That’s the chunk of mane that hangs down over my face, between my ears. It’s so long that sometimes it needs to be braided or put in a little bun to keep it out of my eyes! I’m a social floater: I get along with almost all the other horses but I don’t have a committed friend group. That works well for me because I can visit each little group of horses that surrounds a pile of hay in the pasture at night. I come, eat some of the pile, then move on to say hi to and snack with another group.
Senior Camper Horse
- Age: 16
- Year at GG: 10
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Quarter Horse

Roman is the newest G/ mustang. He is big and strong, but he is a gentle giant. He spends almost all of his time making sure that Crane is safe and comfy. He's really a big softy! He met Crane for the first time in the trailer between Harmony Equine Center and GG, and they emerged at the G/ barn as the best of friends. He's 6yrs old and only started his training this year, so he is still a wrangler-only horse. But, he learns really quicky! So, you'll see him on the camper rail in no time.
Head Wrangler Horse
- Age: 6
- Year at GG: 2
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Sorrel
- Breed: Grade Quarter Horse

I’m Roxi, a Palomino blondie! You can tell me apart from my sister, Kizzi, by my dappled coat. It looks a little like I have rain spots on me. I’m going to be an incredible camper horse soon because I’m strong and sure-footed. For now, the wranglers are riding me a ton. We’re having a blast. For a horse of my size, I have very little feet. The farrier – who puts our shoes on and trims our hooves – has to remember to bring small shoes with him when he comes to camp!
Counselor Horse
- Age: 13
- Year at GG: 13
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Palomino
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m as friendly as can be. If you come to ride me (any camper can!), you can pet me on my star. It’s the white spot right in the middle of my forehead. I think I was named Skye because I have stars on me. Get it? Camp really relies on me to make sure all the kids are learning to ride and having a fun and safe time. I keep things interesting in my life by working in the arena sometimes and on the trail others. As long as there are people there, I’m happy! I also love to have horse company. My favorite companions are Earl and Boomer. But, I’ve been really friendly to the new girl, Lorrie, as well!
Camper Horse
- Age: 23
- Year at GG: 15
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Black
- Breed: Paint

I’m a special breed of horse called a Halflinger. We were bred for mountain terrain. That’s perfect for camp! I’m a very comfortable ride and I don’t get concerned about anything. But, watch out for snack spots when you ride me! I can’t resist stopping to eat. If you sense me lowering my head to snatch some grass, pull up on your reins and give me cues to move forward. Kisses and clicks usually do the trick.
Camper Horse
- Age: 22
- Year at GG: 3
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Chestnut
- Breed: Haflinger Pony

I’m another Mustang who lives at the GG barn. We’re hardy horses who were feral before we were trained to wear a saddle. That means that we were loose outside! We’ve got mixed bloodlines, which usually means that we stay pretty healthy because of the survival of the fittest. Anyway, I am glad camp became my home. Here, I’m so loved. I get the chance to eat extra food, go on trail rides with kids, and learn new things. I’m quite small, so I need a small rider. Perfect for a summer camp, right?
Camper Horse
- Age: 26
- Year at GG: 12
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Black
- Breed: Mustang
Suzy Q

Most people associate my name with a song, but they forget the best reference...a Suzy Q cake sandwich with a creme filling! I only eat grain and hay, but I can tell by how good the lodge smells at dessert time that cake is definitely awesome. I’m a reliable trail horse and a reliable friend. Mariah and I spend most of our time together, sharing our hay and relaxing between trail rides. I sometimes have to relax extra because I have a trick knee. If it acts up at all, I spend time in the stalls inside the barn where I get lots of attention until I’m healed again.
Senior Camper Horse
- Age: 17
- Year at GG: 8
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Red Dun
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m a G/ gold standard...just ask anyone. I am easy going and very calm. I get along with all the other horses, too. I’ve been the perfect summer camp horse for a long time. Even though I’m getting up there in years and am an “oldie,” I still look like a young buck! I’ll take great care of you in the arena. And, if you want to come visit me during meadow time, I’ll be in the corral and would be pleased to say hi.
Camper Horse Lead Horse
- Age: 28
- Year at GG: 18
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Palomino
- Breed: Quarter Horse

I’m Tonka! I’m an Arab grade, which means that I’m a mix of the Arabian breed and some mysterious others. Arabians are bred for endurance racing, so I’m quite athletic. I go on most of the trail rides and the campers say I'm a favorite. My best horse friend is Lucy. We’re both paint horses, but I’m mostly brown and gray and she’s white and tan. I have incredibly long mane that sometimes gets twisted in the wind. If you ever want to groom me, that would be great!
Camper Horse Polocrosse Horse
- Age: 22
- Year at GG: 8
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Bay Roan Pinto
- Breed: Grade Arabian

I love people and will look right into your soul with my gorgeous amber eyes. I love a head scratch and I love to be groomed even more. I get some extra grooming and sometimes some horsey sunscreen because I have sensitive skin. You can often spot me in the corral with my other older buddies, eating horse oatmeal and wearing my pink sunscreen with pride. It’s great because it also keeps the flies off of me! Flies are the WORST!
Camper Horse Polocrosse Horse
- Age: 22
- Year at GG: 2
- Gender: Mare
- Color: Palomino
- Breed: Grade Quarter Horse

I’m named after Dan Warner, an amazing GG Alum who took care of the horses during the winter for many years. I’m still in training with the Head Wranglers, who are getting me used to all the sights and sounds at camp. They think I’m going to have great cow sense, which means I might be fun to ride during ranch games! I spend most of my time with Luna, but I especially love humans. I come right up to you when you enter the pasture, even if you don’t have apple sauce for me.
Head Wrangler Horse
- Age: 6
- Year at GG: 6
- Gender: Gelding
- Color: Bay
- Breed: Quarter Horse

In 1945, Geneva Glen acquired the entire horse ensemble from Byers Ranch camp, comprising 32 horses, blankets, saddles, and bits for $500. Since then, Geneva Glen has maintained a robust western horseback riding program. We currently own around 40 horses, predominantly older Quarter Horses, and operate a successful breeding program that has produced over ten horses in the past decade. Spanning over 500 acres, our facility includes numerous trails and a riding arena, offering diverse experiences for riders of all levels.
We are also excited to showcase our 9,000-square-foot Barn, built in 2019! This state-of-the-art facility includes 36 feeding stalls, two interior and two exterior stalls, a working aisle, an office, siloed grain storage, and expanded hay, tack, and tools areas. Our new Barn, larger and more efficient, enhances safety and the overall experience for animals and wranglers, ultimately enriching the campers' interactions with the horses.
"Our mission is to provide the camp family a safe and enjoyable relationship with horses."
Horseback riding is not just a part of our summer program, it's a transformative experience. Many of our campers arrive with little to no prior experience with horses, but they leave with valuable lessons and a newfound confidence. These benefits extend far beyond the Barn, shaping their character and outlook on life.
We believe that horseback riding is a vital area to the summer program and important for the campers. Most of our campers come to us with little or no exposure to these magnificent animals. There are many valuable lessons and experiences to be learned from time spent at the barn. We hope that a riding experience will help your child gain more confidence that they can carry out beyond the trails and fences.
Our Barn is managed by our yound-round Equine Director, and seasonally with three Head Wranglers and a rotating team of counselor-wranglers, maintaining a 3:1 camper-to-staff ratio to ensure the utmost safety in all equine activities. All wranglers receive training in riding techniques, safety protocols, emergency procedures, and risk management. All participants must wear ASTM SEI-certified helmets, long pants, and boots or shoes with a heel and stiff sole for safety. Our facilities meet or exceed American Camp Association standards, providing an exceptional riding experience with peace of mind.