Board of Directors

The Geneva Glen Board of Directors is a group of volunteer individuals comprised of camper parents, alumni, former campers, former staff, or others vitally interested in Geneva Glen Camp. The Board is responsible for general supervision and control of property, buildings, and equipment of the camp; is responsible for general management and policy, for the allocation of funds, and for making arrangements and changes for the camp which are deemed advisable in keeping with the general purpose for which the camp was established.

Board News

With the close of 2024, Geneva Glen's Board of Directors expresses our sincere gratitude for support from the camp family.

Every year, the Board of Directors may seek volunteers for the Board. The number of Board positions, skills/expertise sought, and staggered Board terms make each calendar year unique as to the number of open positions. In some years, there may be no openings, and in other years, we may have several. For 2025, we are not looking to bring on any new Board members. In the fall of 2025, we will communicate about open positions for 2026.

Camp relies on volunteers for their time, talents, gifts, professional expertise, and love of the Glen. There are many opportunities for you to participate on committees or to support the camp staff. Please reach out to Reid and Christa to learn more.

The Geneva Glen Board

Executive Committee

Alexa Lanpher - President

John Arigoni - Vice President & Co-Treasurer

Cindy Bedard - Co-Treasurer

Sandi Pahlke - Secretary

Board Members

Tim Amass

Jacob Hartung

Michael Hazel

Latrice Lee McInerney

Josie Warren

Geneva Glen Camp

Geneva Glen Camp, Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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Site Design by Reid McKnight