Health Services
Introduction to Health Services
Geneva Glen’s philosophy toward health care is derived from the first four letters of the word: HEAL. Our camp environment adds health to the individual rather than subtracting illness from an individual. Our mission addresses the protection and development of the whole child, and health and wellness is a component that helps sustain and promote our campers’ wholeness. Be sure you are familiar and comfortable with these policies and practices.
Geneva Glen hires two camp nurses (with at least one RN) for the summer to ensure that there is a nurse at camp at all times. We also have a camp physician on call 24/7 and our Health and Wellness Coordinator, who is an RN, for backup support. The camp physician and Health and Wellness Coordinator are at Check-In as well. Our Health Center is centrally located and is a care facility with isolation and treatment areas. Our nurses have clinic hours daily for routine, non-urgent medical needs. They also remain on call around the clock for all emergencies. The Health Center provides first aid and treatment for minor acute health problems, including cuts, bruises, splinters, mild cold symptoms, conjunctivitis, and other common or non-serious conditions. In addition, the camp provides rapid strep tests and point-of-care COVID-19 testing, and can obtain, if needed, appropriate treatment for either. For all other conditions, the child will be seen at a nearby medical facility, depending upon the severity of the illness.
Medications at Camp
The Geneva Glen medical staff can administer only medications that a provider prescribes, which must be in their original prescription or over-the-counter containers. Scheduled medications are distributed outside the dining hall before meals. Any as-needed over-the-counter medications, such as Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin, Tums, and cough medicines, are provided at the Health Center during clinic hours. Any scheduled over-the-counter medications must be listed on your camper’s Physician’s Exam Form to be administered.
All vitamins, minerals, supplements, or homeopathic medications must also be listed on the Physician’s Exam Form that your provider signs. Staff and campers are not permitted to keep medications or supplements of any kind in their trunk, cabins, or dorms. This includes any topical medications as well.
Emergency Medical Services
Geneva Glen’s local ambulance and EMS personnel are within a few miles of camp and respond quickly to emergencies. GG is located within twenty minutes of an urgent care medical facility and two major hospitals in Denver.
Health History & Examination Form
The Health History form and all the other necessary camp forms are found in our online form system, CampInTouch. After receiving your enrollment confirmation, you can access your account at This system helps us ensure the security of your family’s personal health information and assist the medical team at camp during the summer. If you have questions about CampInTouch for technical assistance, please email Grace Campbell at For questions about form deadlines or vaccine requirements, please email our Health and Wellness Coordinator, Mackenzie DeMoor, at All campers and staff must complete the GG Health History and Physician’s Exam Form before camp.
Critical information includes:
- Health insurance information
- All medications taken daily (in CampInTouch and on Physician’s Exam Form)
- A health care plan from the primary care provider for any chronic illness/condition (asthma care plan, etc.)
- The Physician’s Exam Form signed by a licensed provider
- A Colorado-approved vaccination or exemption form
When Do You Need a Physical?
Campers and staff must submit the Physician’s Exam Form every year, indicating that a physical exam takes place within 12 months of attendance at camp, and must be filled out and signed by a “Licensed Medical Personnel” (MD, DO, NP, PA). You may access the form through your CampInTouch account, which can be uploaded when completed and signed. You can submit the Physician’s Exam Form via CampInTouch or email If you have any questions or need supplemental information or forms, contact Mackenzie anytime before the summer season starts.
Go to to access the Health History and Examination Form. Any questions about exemptions can be directed to Mackenzie. All campers/staff must submit a health history, regardless of physical/vaccine exemption status.
Click here to log into CampInTouchFood and Nutrition
Geneva Glen serves full meals to over 325 people three times per day! We do our best to serve nutritionally balanced meals that also are appropriate from a caloric standpoint. Meals are served either family style or by a served buffet at designated times each day. Alternatives are provided for campers and staff who have listed special dietary needs or food allergies on the Health History form.
Geneva Glen provides healthy, balanced meals similar to most schools. We cannot guarantee the absence of peanuts or other allergens in the meals. With special cases that our camp healthcare team has reviewed, we can accommodate many food allergies; however, campers are expected to pick and choose the specific food items they can eat, like what they do at school or a restaurant. Geneva Glen assumes that your camper can participate in all camp activities. This expectation includes participating in the camp’s nutritionally balanced menus without extensive restrictions or limitations.
*** In accordance with state health regulations, we cannot permit parents to bring any food that requires refrigeration or freezing, or specialized preparation (such as boiling or microwaving). If your camper has a significant allergy condition, you must indicate this on the Health History form. If you need to consult a camp physician further, please contact, and we will help arrange a personal call with one of the camp physcians concerning your child’s condition. Feel free to contact the camp any time with questions.
Covid-19 Policies
We strongly recommend full vaccination against COVID-19, including available boosters. If a camper is not up to date and either develops COVID-19 or is a close contact, stricter quarantine and isolation policies must be applied, including possible removal from camp for that individual.
Immunization Policies
Colorado law and Colorado Department of Early Childhood licensing regulations require your camper to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless they have a certificate of medical or nonmedical exemption on file.
- See CDPHE guidelines for vaccines required for Child Care, Preschool & K-Entry at
- Vaccine exemption information can be found at
Session Check-In Days
On Geneva Glen Check-In days, all campers start at Step 1 to confirm their financial record. From there, you will be directed to Step 2 if:
- You have medication to drop off (see below)
- Your child has had symptoms of communicable illness in the previous 72 hours
- The GG medical staff needs to clarify anything with you
Policies Regarding Contact With Parents
Parents/guardians of campers (or employees who are minors) will be notified of potential health concerns identified in the screening process (i.e., immunization needs or other special needs). Likewise, should camp staff observe something that concerns our camp nurse or physician, we will contact the parents/guardians. We will contact the parent/guardian at the numbers listed on the initial application or Health History on CampInTouch. In addition, we will notify the next available designated contact person for the following situations:
- Emergencies
- If treatment is given off-site (i.e., hospital or urgent care)
- If a camper spends the night in the Health Center for medical reasons
- If a camper has an injury with prolonged or recurring pain over 24-48 hours
- If a camper has a suspected head injury
- When specifically directed to do so by parent/guardians by written request in Health History on CampInTouch
- If a camper’s recovery deviates from the expected course of recovery
Under emergency circumstances, we will do what is best for your child.
Typically, we will not contact you if your child is seen in the camp Health Center for routine problems (i.e., skinned knees, sore throat, conjunctivitis, headache, etc.) that do not require a physician referral. Please specify in your child’s Health History on CampInTouch if you wish us to deviate from the abovementioned procedures.
If your camper attempts self-injury, makes threats of suicide, exhibits violent behaviors, severely withdraws from activities, or exhibits severe symptoms of an eating disorder, the camp will notify you. If your camper has a diagnosed behavioral disorder, it must be noted on the Health Form on CampInTouch, and you must consult the camp physician/nurses on Check-In day.
If Geneva Glen determines a camper needs a referral to an out-of-camp provider (i.e., physician, orthodontist) for routine health care (i.e., strep throat treatment, ear infection, or UTI), we will contact the parent/guardian by phone to discuss the situation and collaboratively determine the next course of action.
Geneva Glen will attempt to contact you first by telephone, and we will use any means available, including texting and email. However, because of timing and scheduling conflicts, we cannot promise we will successfully reach you. The phone numbers you provide on the child’s Health Form and initial application are the numbers we will try first. When registering, please ensure we know how to reach you best during your child’s stay by including cell phone numbers, home numbers, work numbers, temporary numbers used during vacations, and email addresses. We ask that you and your designated emergency contact person keep your emergency phone available 24/7 while your camper is at Geneva Glen.
Chronic Conditions
For families of campers with chronic conditions, please get in touch with our Health Services team prior to enrollment. This ensures we can provide your child with the best possible care and support during their time at camp.