Positions & Salaries

The following is a summary of the positions for summer employment at Geneva Glen; number of openings, requirements, a brief description and base salary. All positions and wages represented are for May 31st - August 9th, 2025.

Positions for 2025

Cabin Counselors
    Counselors share a cabin with one or two other counselors and about 10-13 campers anywhere from ages 6 to 16. Typically, counselors will work with their campers one-half day, participating in all the various scheduled and elective activities, and then the other half of the day, counselors will work in a skill area of their choosing according to their desire, skill, and ability.
  • North Hill Counselors (Boys): 27 positions. Minimum age: 18 years old OR High School Graduating Senior (or equivalent).
  • South Hill Counselors (Girls): 32 positions. Minimum age: 18 years old OR High School Graduating Senior (or equivalent).
Dish Crew / Work Crew / Kitchen Assistant
    20-24 positions: Age 16 or older.
Registered Nurse
    2 positions. Must be Colorado licensed or have reciprocity.
    1 position. The photographer takes photos of campers and staff involved in camp activities, organizes the photo catalog using Adobe Lightroom, shares photos online, and designs slideshows of the camp season.

Starting Salaries for 2025 (10 Weeks)

Counselor $3,800 ($380/week)
Dish & Work Crew $2,410 ($241/week)
Registered Nurse $14,000 ($1,400/week)
Photographer $3,800 ($380/week)
Non-Counseling Staff & Activity Directors $3,800 + $200-$1000 Leadership Pay*

*Leadership Pay is based on the position hired

Salaries are quoted for the full employment term. All positions include salary, room and board, workers compensation, as well as transportation allowance, which is added incrementally beginning with $200 and up to $350 depending on distance from Colorado.

We hire a staff of 90-100. We maintain a camper-to-counselor ratio of 4 to 1 or better.

Geneva Glen necessarily balances the gender and limits the number of its employees, however, we do not discriminate against race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, disability (mental and physical), marriage to a co-worker, or age.

Climbwall Girls

Geneva Glen Camp

Geneva Glen Camp, Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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Licensed by CDHS

Site Design by Reid McKnight